I bow to MYSELF & say THANK YOU, that’s where I begin my list of Gratitude. The easiest place in the whole world!!
- Zeenat Lakdawala
Meet Zeenat
Zeenat Lakdawala is a distinguished spiritual artist and energy healer and the creator of the World's First Light Language* Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids.
She is a Transformational Energy Healer and a featured international speaker who has worked with 1000s of clients globally. As a multi and inter-dimensional energy conduit, she works with clients to assist them to move from a lower vibration to a higher vibration; to experience 'Bliss' both in the spiritual and physical realms.
Zeenat has a high connection with the supreme consciousness from where she receives information from various Higher Dimensional Beings that assist her in bringing the most benevolent Language of Light in the forms of “Codes, Instructions, and Sacred Blueprints.”
Creator & Founder of SoulSearch®, she is an inspirational pioneer devoted to helping people reach their highest potential. Through powerful tools such as Light Language Grids and Coasters & SoulSearch Sounds™, Zeenat provides a path for core healing that can help manifest good health, wealth, and abundance in life - not just financially but also through improved relationships with oneself and others.
Featured Speaker and Guest
She has also been a part of various Global Engagement Platforms such as

Experience the Shift First Hand
She has been referred to as a "Miracle Worker" and her clients receive resolution and are able to release money stuckness from the core which helps them to feel better and be in a great space to receive with ease. She believes in the power of ‘YES’ and we create our reality in every minute of the NOW!

Zeenat’s Exceptional Creations
All Grids and Coasters are handcrafted and the core purpose of her work is to assist the energy system in activating the DNA and changing the crystalline structure that brings the required advancement.
Zeenat has created over 100 such Grids to help heal and manifest more money, love, wealth, and abundance, release stuckness and protect all subtle bodies
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