September 22, 2024
7:00PM to 8:00PM IST
Regular price $37.00
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The Autumn Equinox, the grand finale of September's annual fun and fair, is a unique and privileged event on September 24 at 0° Libra. As we usher in the Libra Season with the Equinox, this moment of cosmic equilibrium, the gateway filled with transformative energy, offers endless moments of Reflection and Balance.

The Autumn Equinox, a rare zero-point portal of infinite possibilities, is a magical time when day and night are perfectly balanced. It’s nature’s reset button, inviting us to reflect, realign, and appreciate the abundance in our lives. The Libra sign, ruled by Venus, calls us to embody the aspects of the Goddess energy for Abundance, Money, Relationships, Divine Feminine, Wealth, and Beauty, inspiring us to embrace change and expansion.

This year, the equinox is extra powerful, thanks to a beautiful, harmonious alignment of the Sun and Pluto and the dynamic interaction (square) between Venus and Pluto. This unique combination can stir power dynamics in our relationships with ourselves and others. It urges us to embrace change by shedding old habits, standing in personal power, and self-reflection. It's a time for healing, renewal, and aligning with our core values while re-evaluating love and self-worth.

Through this phase, which leads to bright October sunshine with another Eclipse, the intention is always to find balance in all situations. We respect the need to maintain healthy boundaries and extend compassion towards our partner's needs.

I invite you to join me for a 45—60-minute Live with Replay Light Language meditation to help tap into these energies and make the most of this transformative time to:

  • Embrace Balance and Harmony: Reflect, integrate and set intentions for creation and expansion
  • Self-Empowerment: acknowledge and appreciate efforts and accomplishments by harnessing inner strength and personal power
  • Deep Healing: Address and heal emotional dynamics in relationships and self-worth
  • Align and Activate Chakras: Solar Plexus for empowerment, the Heart for emotional healing, the Sacral for creativity, and the Root for grounding and stability
  • Experience Transformation: Experience profound shifts and renewals, shed old patterns and embrace a more authentic self

Let’s celebrate the equinox's balance and transformation and make the most of these incredible cosmic energies.

Come, Let's Heal and Expand!
Many Blessings!

Zeenat Lakdawalla
First Light Language Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids and A Transformational Energy Healer with over 10 years of experience. A featured international speaker who has worked with over 1000 clients globally who claim to have positive results.
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