October 17, 2024
7:00PM to 8:00PM IST
Regular price $47.00
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(Arcturus) is a red-orange giant star at a distance of 37 light years, and has been the Guardian of Earth for centuries. It is the fourth brightest alpha star in the night sky in the constellation of Boötes and has long been revered as a star of immense spiritual power. The Arcturus star system is home to one of our galaxy's most advanced alien civilisations called the (Arcturians). Unlike other extraterrestrial races, their evolutionary path is distinct, rooted in dimensions ranging from the fifth to the eleventh. These beings are known for their immense wisdom and mastery of (healing frequencies), helping those on Earth with emotional, mental, and physical renewal.

Unlike other extraterrestrial races, including those from the Lyra or Vega systems, the Arcturians have followed a distinct line of consciousness and evolution. Their mission is closely tied to defending Earth from harmful entities such as the Reptilians and Grey Aliens. They guide humanity toward ascension, helping individuals unlock the highest potential of their spiritual journey​.

Arcturians hold the energy of Father God Consciousness, a storehouse of information and act as a mid-way programming centre through which souls pass through birth and death. Those attuned to the Arcturian energies find themselves more open to the cosmic flow of synchronicity. These energies are a unique blend of spiritual power and wisdom that can profoundly impact your spiritual journey.

On (October 16 and 17), the (Arcturus Portal Gate) will open during a powerful cosmic alignment between the Sun and Earth. This rare event creates a direct connection to access the (Arcturian light codes), frequencies that can help clear old energy patterns, heal deep emotional wounds, and align your soul with its true purpose.

The (Aries Full Moon), which is the Super Moon, will amplify the power of this portal, making it a potent time to release emotional and energetic baggage while manifesting your highest intentions. By working with the Arcturians during this portal, you can deepen your connection to their wisdom and enhance your ability to manifest synchronistically, aligning with the flow of the universe.

While my origins lie beyond Earth's solar system and even beyond this cosmos, my journey has brought me to the Arcturian Star Gateway, where I have served as a member of the High Council. In this sacred space, I have worked with the Arcturian energies to create the (SchoolOfSilence™) healing towers. These crystal towers facilitate profound healing, guiding souls through deep transformation and renewal. The advanced technology within these towers operates beyond what we can fully comprehend, assisting in healing and realigning damaged souls in ways that surpass human understanding.

I am guided to do a (45 to 60-minute Light Language) mediation (Live with Replay) wherein I will work with the Arcturian Beings and the Brotherhood in the (SchoolOfSilence™) tower to

(Clear old energy patterns) that no longer serve you, allowing new opportunities and growth

(Awaken the 5th-dimensional) light and energy and activating the transcendental Chakra

(Raise your vibration) by aligning with the higher frequencies of the Arcturians to access deeper levels of consciousness.

(Enhance manifestation), allow the flow of the universe and attract synchronicities

The (Arcturus Portal) is not just about personal healing and expansion; it’s a collective opportunity to heal, evolve, and align with the next phase of your journey.


Come, Let's Heal and Expand!
Many Blessings!

Zeenat Lakdawalla
First Light Language Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids and A Transformational Energy Healer with over 10 years of experience. A featured international speaker who has worked with over 1000 clients globally who claim to have positive results.
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