We all have innate fears that are hardwired into our brains, such as the fear of falling or loud sounds. However, as we encounter the world, we develop irrational fears that hold us back from reaching our full potential. These fears can be overwhelming and prevent us from achieving our goals. It's important to keep in mind that fear is often based on false assumptions or perceptions. We may be afraid of something we don't fully understand or carry old fears that no longer serve us. Whether you're struggling with fear around money, relationships, career, or any other aspect of your life, there's help available. The Light Language to Release Fear transmission aims to help you overcome these false fears and obstacles. It can help you release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, allowing you to: - Identify fears that hold you back from earning or asking for more money. - Heal past traumas related to feeling unsafe, whether from present or past life. - Reduce levels of worry and anxiety, which can also improve digestion and overall health. - Boost confidence and self-esteem. - Feel more comfortable and confident in making decisions. - Release stress and anxiety related to money. The Light Language to Release Fear Transmission is a powerful tool to overcome fear and achieve greater peace of mind and financial stability.